
書籍『Refactoring: Ruby Edition』が届きました [プログラマー現役続行]

Refactoring: Ruby Edition (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)

Refactoring: Ruby Edition (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)

  • 作者: Jay Fields
  • 出版社/メーカー: Addison-Wesley Professional
  • 発売日: 2009/10/25
  • メディア: ハードカバー

注文していた『Refactoring: Ruby Edition』が届きました。「Forward」は、『Passionate Programmer』の著者であるChad Folwer氏が書いています。Java版の『リファクタリング』を持っている読者に対しては、次のように述べられています。
I Have the Original Book ― Should I Get This?

 Probably not. If you're familiar with the original book you won't find a lot of new material here. You'll need to adjust the original refactorings to the Ruby language, but if you're like us you shouldn't find that an inordinate challenge.
 There are a couple of reasons where we think an owner of the original book might consider getting a copy of the Ruby edition. The first reason is if you're not too familiar with Java and found the original book hard to follow because of that unfamiliarity. If so we hope you find a Ruby-focused book easier to work with. The second reason is if you're leading a Ruby team that has people who would struggle with the original book's Java focus. In that case a Ruby book would be a better tool to help pass on your understanding of refactoring.

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