
The Long Road [プログラマー現役続行]

Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman

Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman

  • 作者: Dave Hoover
  • 出版社/メーカー: O'Reilly Media
  • 発売日: 2009/10/25
  • メディア: ペーパーバック

本書の「The Long Road」の冒頭での引用から。
"How long will it take to master aikido?" a prospective student asks. "How long do you expect to live?" is the only respectable response.
George Leonard, Mastery

To become truly good at programming is a life's work, an ongoing enterprise of learning and practicing.
Ron Jeffries et al., Extreme Programming Installed

For every step you take toward mastery, your destination moves two steps further away. Embrace mastery as a lifelong endeavor. Learn to love the journey.
熟達へ向かっての1 歩ごとに、目的地はさらに2 歩先に遠ざかります。熟達というのは一生かかる努力であるということを受け入れなさい。旅を愛することを学びなさい。
George Leonard, Mastery

People aspiring to become masters of software craftsmanship need to plan for the long term. This long (yet bright) journey will bring you a rich set of abilities. You will become skilled at learning, problem solving, and developing strong relationships with your customers. You will come to wield knowledge and technology as the samurai uses his short and long swords. You will come to comprehend and appreciate the deeper truths of software development. But all this will take time.


Software developers are fortunate. Ours is a complex and profound path, a path that by its nature changes continually. Moore's Law marches relentlessly on, regularly opening up new opportunities for craftsmen to explore new platforms or reprioritize the characteristics of an established program. And yet, other changes are often superficial. New technologies replace older technologies, yet solve the same fundamental problems. While there will always be new software to learn and better hardware just around the corner, The Long Road teaches craftsmen the deeper truths of the craft, allowing the masters to transcend specific technologies and cut to the heart of the problem.


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